Websites Listing Remote Non-Technical Jobs in 2020

I was a guest speaker a SEPA Business Club event sharing my remote work experience late in February 2020. Lots of questions were about remote non-technical opportunities. It is a known fact that IT-specialists can find remote jobs very easily but people talk less about remote work opportunities for non-technical professionals.
Remote work for tech people is a headline of the past decade but this new decade is enabling non-technical specialists of remote work too. The new trend is of all-remote companies, they have clients all over the world and they do their entire business remotely. Who wants to pay office rent if you don’t have to? Offices used to be a necessity when there were no tools for efficient remote collaboration, now we’ve got all the tools we need to work from anywhere.
There is a misconception that only technical people can work remotely. All tech companies each need a handful of non-tech team members to keep the business rolling i.e. to do hiring, accounting, management, sales, marketing, management and social media.
In fact, technical companies need non-tech field experts to grow their businesses and this is becoming our new reality where all the domains coexist, intersect and unite to produce a high-quality product to the demanding market. If you’re good at talking to people, negotiation, sales, finance, hiring, managing people — these are the top skills that the market needs.
I’ve created a list of some resources where you can find hot non-tech opportunities, I will be keeping it up to date with time adding up to the list as I discover more sources. Next time I’m planning to share the list of non-tech jobs that are well paid and allow professional growth and remote work. Comment below for the type of non-tech skills and knowledge that you apply in your remote job today?
- NODESK, Non-tech filter, free
- REMOTIVE, All Other filter, free
- RemoteOK, Non-tech filer, free
- Flexjobs, Most Surprising Flexible Jobs — paid,
- AngleList, Operations, Marketing, Sales, Management, Other filters
- WeWorkRemotely, Copywriting, Business & Management, Customer Support, Finance and Legal, Sales and Marketing filters
- F6s, Operations, Marketing, Financial, Accounting filters
- EU Remote Jobs, Customer Support, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Sales filters
- Europe Remotely, Marketing & Sales, Customer Support filters
- Working Nomads Administration, Human Resources, Education, Legal, Sales, Writing, Sales filters
- Skip the Drive, Administrative, Consulting, Editor, Entry Level, Human Resources,
- Twitter, search by the needed title, skills + remote job